Friday, August 28, 2009

Did I Really Say That?

Did I really say to "make mine a double?" Yuck! That was some of the nastiest stuff I've ever had to drink. The only good thing I can say about it, is thanks to the Dasani I had to add to it (okay, so any type of water would have worked) it was cold and I had to drink it fast in order to meet the 2-hours before CT scan deadline. Thankfully, it didn't leave an after taste, or if it did, it was completely masked by the metalic taste that was caused by the radioactive material in the injection I had prior to the bone scan. To be honest, the barium (or whatever it was) was way worse than anything else, today. The young woman who did the CT scan and IV clearly knew what she was doing; I hardly felt a thing. And what's really cool, is that she's engaged to Jamie Otterblad, a family that we've known for over 30 years.

Okay, so something rather different did happen during my tests and that is, my in-laws called the hospital to see how things were going. When my CT scan was done and it was time to run over to another building for my bone scan, David was on the phone at the desk. I appreciate the concern, I really do. But test results are typically not immediately available. I didn't find out the results of my MRI for 2 days and I suspect I won't know the results of the bone and CT scans until just before my surgery if not after.

The tension in the house is now palpable. My girls are on edge and acting out more than usual. Becca's attitude is now an Attitude (note the capital A), Chelsea just told me that she's tired, hungry, and bored. Kirstin is upset that her boyfriend changed plans on her, again, although to be fair to Steve...those things happen. Learning how to handle disappointment is a sure sign of maturity; growing up. She's getting there, but it doesn't happen overnight for anyone. I know that everyone is worried and upset that things are going to be different around here for a while, and the kids are not always able to put their feelings into words so...their feelings come out in actions. I'm feeling pretty out of it and find myself taking things one second at a time...trying to stay focussed one second at a time.

In other news, the hospital called this evening for pre-registration. I have to be at the hospital at 10:00 on Monday, with surgery at noon: radical mastectomy and simple mastectomy. I understand I will be in the hospital for 2 or 3 days, a chemo port will be inserted during surgery, and the drains may very well be removed by the time I leave. This is good! I've already told David that I want no visitors, except for him and our kids. pithy comment to end this post, so... Blessings!

1 comment:

Daria said...

All the best to you on Monday ...