Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Results Are In

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma; breast cancer. David and I were given the report yesterday during a meeting with my PA. Charlie Wall is very proactive, and breast cancer and cancer screenings are his passion so I feel comfortable that I'm in very capable hands. He'd already set up an appointment with one of two surgeons from St. Luke's that he feels are the best. So on Monday, August 17, I will be meeting with Dr. Nelson for the initial consultation and to, in all likelihood, get all of the necessary tests set up. No doubt there will be CT and MRI, bone scans etc. We will not know exactly what we're dealing with (stage etc.) until all the tests have been run. From what little I've been able to learn from reliable internet sources, we're looking at Stage 2 or Stage 3 because there is lymph node involvement.

David and I are also being very proactive, and doing our best to maintain a positive attitude, especially for the kids. Chelsea has evidently made it her mission to be an anti-cancer cheerleader on facebook. Becca...she wanted cuddles last night and so David went out and slept on the little couch. Becca and I snuggled throughout the night and I actually got some sleep. Yay!!! But then, Ben woke everyone up early because he needed some $$$ for sodas for work, today. Yay Ben. He's having a difficult time of things; it's clear by his anxious actions; some of the things he says "I'm sorry you have this, mom. I don't want you to die, mom. You're the only mom I have." etc. "I'll tell you, when you're sick, it should teach me a good lesson, do you know that? To teach me responsibility; I'm going to have to set expectations for me higher than they should be." (He's saying that as I type.)

I'll log more, later...right now, the kids are getting into it and I should go. Stay tuned for part .999.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Your positive attitude is uplifting!
Ben did share with me the your medical issue and the diagnosis this morning.
Be assured that good thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.
The St. Lukes team is top notch and will take every step to keep you informed and get you well.
I received a link to your blog from Paulette and I hope you don't mind me commenting here.
There is a website where a friend of mine posted updates regarding her diagnosis and recovery. Search Laurie Garcia to read some of the things she experienced through her process.
All the best to you and your family,
michelle at the DAC (work email)