Saturday, August 29, 2009

39 Hours, 24 Minutes

But who's counting?

I played around a little bit in Paint Shop Pro XI earlier today, because I couldn't put words to what I was feeling. Sometimes when that happens, I will get an image in my head. The image I had today was wreckage. I feel like I'm Humpty Dumpty. Heaven knows I'm really good at shutting down and tuning out. In fact, I'm quite the expert. This is one of those times, however, when there's no denying or running from reality. I will be a different person on Monday, physically at least. I think I can compare it to when your hair turns gray...except it's on a larger scale. There's a permanent change (and yes, I realize that gray hair doesn't need to always be gray...I've had semi-regular appointments with Miss Clairol for years *smile), but I've heard that it's one you get used to. It's better than the alternative, right?

Tomorrow, will hopefully be a good day. I plan on getting up early, getting some housework done, and then going to church at the Vet's Home with my parents. After that, I need to get some things around the house settled/arranged. I don't want to leave my family in the lurch while I'm laid up, although I know very well that they're more than capable of handling things. I'm just not as important, in that way, as I sometimes like to think that I am. Blessings!

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