Sunday, August 30, 2009

26 Hours, 24 Minutes

What a gorgeous day! It's sunny and 52 degrees outside. I so love sunny days! I've folded a couple of loads of laundry, and I'm having my second cup of coffee. Life is good! I've decided to make the most of today. I'm going to run up town, shortly, and pick up a few things...make a few meals, or at least plan easy ones, that Chelsea can cook or throw in the crock pot while I'm gone. I will get bills in the mail, and finish cleaning up the house. I have decided that there are some positives in what we're all going through right now. I'm not quite sure what they are, but I know they are there. I just have to figure it out. In a weird way, I'm actually kind of looking forward to seeing how my hair grows back after chemo. I'm half hoping for black and curly, myself. I was born with black hair,'s not a total impossibility, eh? :-) I am NOT looking forward to the post-surgery drains etc. Ewwwww! I am also wondering what the results of the CT and bone scans will show. My right shoulder has been really sore, front and back, and all the way down to the elbow, for a long time. I'm thinking that maybe it's because of the lymph node involvement, but not sure.

Okay, I'm back. I bet you didn't even know I was gone. I went up town, and bought beef and pork roasts, chicken, hot dogs, baked beans, veggies, butter etc. Gotta love the crock pot! Today, I'm going to make the beef roast so that tomorrow, any left-overs can be used for BBQ; again, in the crock pot. Wait a minute. Ben's home today, so there probably won't be any left overs *smile.

In other news, I'm still losing weight...30# so far. I'm not sure why that is, but hey...I'll take weight loss in any form. It feels strange that all of my pants, even those with elastic waists, are loose fitting. I'm very glad that my mom is a magician with a sewing machine and serger, and that I might be able to ask her to take a few things in. One of the blessings (the many blessings) of being my mom's daughter.

We're now down to 25 hours and 43 minutes. Pretty wild to think about. I have to be at the hospital at 10:00 tomorrow, surgery is at noon, and then...I guess it will be over, eh? To anyone reading this...have a gorgeous and wonderful day! Life is good...even when it isn't. Blessings!


Anonymous said...

Hello, I just read your last entry. The night before you went in for surgery. You do such a good job at writing your thoughts and feelings down. I like how you try and make me feel like I am in the living room with you. As you are going through your day and what everyone you is doing. I love how this FB book has brought us all closer now. Especially us, this was the perfect time to get on FB, when you were diagnosed with breast cancer. I like being able to keep in touch like this, with just a few words each day. I will try to do the same when we start back to school. I always have time for my friends. Take care and until next time, by

Kim Beaton said...

That was me KimElla!!!