Monday, March 10, 2008

Thank you Jesus, it's Benign!!!

Benign. Just saying the word causes a tingle of thrill to chase up my arms and down my spine. But that's what the test results proved about K's's Benign. I feel like a thousand pound weight has been lifted off of me; one I didn't even realize was there. YAAAAAAA HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Yippee! It's Saturday!

Which means that Friday is over and done with at last. Kirstin had her surgery yesterday and it went well. We will find out the results of the biopsy by Wednesday. She has a follow up appointment in a couple of weeks and that will (hopefully) be the end of that. I thought I was handling things amazingly well. After all, it wasn't happening to me, it was happening to my daughter. I was a little surprised last night, then, when around 7:00 p.m. I became suddenly and amazingly tired and my hands started to shake. I looked at them as if they didn't really belong to me. These shaking things couldn't possibly be my hands, could they? I wasn't feeling any stress, was I? Evidently my body knew something that my mind didn't and decided to take control of itself. It wasn't much fun. I like being in control. *Wondering here if that makes me a control freak. I suspect, however, that "Thou shalt have and maintain control" is written somewhere in the "Mom's Handbook". It's probably written right next to the telephone numbers for Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.