Saturday, October 10, 2009

Not a Bad Day at All :-)

My day started at about 5:00 or so, when I got up and made David breakfast, his lunch (the usual PB & J), and a pot of coffee. Okay, so the breakfast was Cream of Wheat, but it made David happy which in turn made me happy. After David left for work, I took my meds and then went online to check my usual places; facebook and my on-line support group. Spent some nice time with the kids...hugs and cuddles with Chelsea and she read me a series of thoughts she'd written down (very creative!). Ben stopped to see me long enough to let me know he was heading for the woods (okay, be safe, have fun, be good). Becca showed me a cartoon she's been working on for quite a while, and then she let me read a story that she started writing last year. It's really a good story and I can't wait to see what happens next. It's a mystery, involving an abandoned house, a locked door at the top of some steps, and a silver key. By 8:30 or so, I was getting tired and so I laid down to rest. That's when the phone rang, and it was my wonderful oldest son calling from Orlando! He was calling to check on how I was doing, feeling etc. He wanted to know if I glowed in the dark. I had to laugh at that, seeing as how David once had me believing that I would glow in the dark following a test I had involving radioactivity. I told Robert, "No, the chemo isn't radioactive, it's just poison." We had a good laugh over that "just poison" and then went on to have a really great visit...15 to 20 minutes, I think :-) It was cut shorter than I would have hoped (dang, my call waiting), but as always, before I hung up I told him that I love him, and he said he loves me too. I'm sitting here smiling. Afterwards, I took a nap for a few hours. I was just so danged tired.

My oldest brother (who, by the way, says that Hair is vastly over-rated hahaha) is up for the weekend, and so we had a family work crew getting the garage and yard winterized. Thank you, Mom, Mike, David, Ben, and Steve! The garage scares me and so I generally stay out of there. It's supposed to be "Ben's Domain" in as far as keeping it clean etc., but...anyways. The Boat and wheeler are in the back yard, the van is parked at the side of the garage where it will stay for the winter, the car is in the driveway and there's even room in the garage now, if we need to move it in there. The fabric part of the screen house is put away, the tents, etc. All that is left to do, is to put away the garden gnomes...I think.

It's very often difficult to accept help, especially when you want so badly to reciprocate in some way but for one reason or another, are unsure or unable to. We thank God daily for the blessings of family, friends, and faith. Today really wasn't a bad day at all. I was tired and feeling a bit fragile...but really...'I will lift mine eyes to the Lord' ^^^Thank You!^^^ Blessings!

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