About a month ago, on a bitterly cold day, one of Chelsea's little friends arrived at our house, bright and early, to walk to school with Chels. This little one had no hat and no mittens. When I asked her where her hats and mittens were, she said "I don't have any." I immediately sent Chelsea off to find mittens or gloves, and then went to "the closet" (the scarey one where everything that doesn't have a real home lives) and found a hat that I'd made months ago, just to have on hand. The girls left for school a few minutes later; Chelsea all bundled up for the weather, and her friend with her new hat and used, but warm, gloves. Next, is where http://www.ravelry.com/ comes in. Ravelry is a world-wide on-line community of people who enjoy the art and craft of knitting and crochet. Currently, there are close to 300,000 members. Pretty wild, eh?
Anyways, in addition to being an amazing resource for all things fiber related, there are countless small groups of people who share the same interests on Ravelry. One of those groups is F.L.O.C.K. (For Love of Charity Knitting), and it is based out of Duluth, MN...just an hour or so down the shore of Lake Superior from me. The same evening that Chelsea's friend told me that she didn't have a hat or mittens, I was contacted by F.L.O.C.K., asking if I would care to become a member, and the F.L.O.C.K. contact here in Silver Bay. Of course, I agreed, and immediately began thinking about what I could do to help. My first thought was of how cold it is this time of year, and that there were probably more children who didn't have hats or mittens. After contacting the school, I decided to make some hats for them to have on hand...so that they could give them to kids who need them. To date, I've made 5 or 6 hats, and a headband that I've dropped off at school. It's been a couple of days since I've had anything on my needles, and my fingers are getting itchy and twitchy. I need to make more! In addition to making things for the school, I will soon be making some stuffies for the local police and rescue personnel to take with them when they go on calls that involve children. (I know, I'm such a mom!) After that, I have some other ideas in mind but I'm trying not to think too far ahead. There is such great need...and clearly visible, if a person just takes a moment to look. I'm so glad that I did.
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