Thursday, January 15, 2009

David and THE Test

As I've said before, my husband David is a 2nd year nursing student at Mesabi Range. He just started his final semester on Monday, January 12. He bought all of his books etc., came home from school that day and announced "I have to take my math test tomorrow." This is THE test...the one that he has to pass with 100% (students can take the test 3 times) in order to continue on with the program. Failure to do so would result in his being expelled from school. David has always struggled with math, but then he had a Med. Math class last semester. He worked so hard...hours and hours of studying, practicing etc. The result was that he passed the class with 90%. David took THE test on Tuesday and failed...he had 2 wrong. He wasn't surprised as the questions he missed were those that he didn't know how to do. Wednesday, he was prepared and feeling not confident, but not the opposite, either. He arrived home yesterday disgusted with himself, and devastated, because he had gotten 1 wrong and it was on a problem that he knew how to do. He even showed the teacher after class that he knew how to do it. Last evening, he slept for a while in the chair...I think he was absolutely exhausted because he hadn't really slept in 2 days. I felt so bad for him; I could feel waves of pain and sadness just rolling off of him and yet he still managed to tease me, and joke around a bit with the kids. What a guy, eh?!
This morning when he left for school to take the test for the 3rd and final time, he was more depressed than I've seen him in years. He said "I feel like I did when we were losing the store." (That's another story and I won't get into it here, but suffice it to say that it was a very difficult time for all of us.) I went around before he left, doing what I always do...made his coffee, made his lunch, warmed up the car etc. Becca woke up long enough to say "Bye, bye, Daddy. I love you." David ruffled her hair and said "Bye, bye, Becca. I love you too." I gave David a kiss goodbye, wished him a safe trip and said "I believe in you. We all believe in you." It was so hard to appear calm and "normal," for lack of a better word! I went back to bed but couldn't sleep. David called at 7:30 to let me know he'd made it safely to school. Great! I told him that I loved him and to do good on the test. His voice, when he next spoke, sounded centuries old and just as tired, "I'll try." By 9:30, I still hadn't heard anything and I was getting worried. I was certain that David wouldn't do anything foolish, but I knew he might have gone for a drive to pull himself together, if he didn't pass the test, before coming home. So, I called the school and spoke to the instructor who had administered the test. She told me "David's sitting in class, right now." "What?" "He's sitting in class right now. He passed! Now you'll have to act surprised when you see him!" Thank You Jesus!! There are no words to express the relief I feel at this moment. David has struggled with poor self-esteem for all of the years I've known him (21). Passing THE test, and knowing that he was able to do it...this is HUGE!
I can't wait for May 13. On May 13, David and I will have been married for 20 years. But do you know what's even better than that? May 13 is the day that David graduates from college.

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