Just a quiet place to hang out and gain some perspective...I hope.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Klutz Strikes Again
So today has been pretty much spent lying on the couch with my foot elevated. It doesn't hurt when I don't put weight on it...not much, anyways. There are worse things than being stuck on the couch for the day; forced by things beyond your control to take it easy. *sigh. Maybe breaking a toe isn't such a bad thing.
On a final note, "Watch where you're walking!" is a phrase I hear a lot from my husband. I wonder why?
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Fast Forward to...December!
October 1 marked a milestone for my parents...their 50th wedding anniversary. What should have been a celebration, if a low-key-per-the-parents'-wishes one, turned into an event. I recall vividly arriving to teach church school at about 6:10 p.m., and making a comment to my cousin (who is also a teacher) about how something wasn't quite right, something was wrong, or something close to that. I found out when I arrived home a little more than an hour later, that my dad had a seizure at 6:15. A couple of days later, while my brother was home visiting, dad had 12 more seizures and had to be taken in the ambulance. Since that day, my dad has been treated at various places. One great comfort that we all have now, is that dad is getting the care he needs in a professional setting that provides for his needs 24 hrs./day, 7 days/week.
In other news, we had a pretty good snow storm over the weekend, then bitter cold windchills (around -39). Today, hubby and I took a short drive down the shore, just 30 miles, on ice-covered roads. It was like a freezing fog, coating everything. Tonight...we're getting Lake Effect snow which is supposed to end up with a total accumulation in the range of 6" - 12" by tomorrow afternoon.
There were two very happy events this week. The first was my youngest daughter's Christmas program at school yesterday, and the other was my oldest daughter's Christmas program at school this evening. I hope this works...I'm going to try to upload part of a video of my daughter singing "Oh Holy Night" (my all-time favorite Christmas song) with a friend of hers. My daughter is singing the melody and her friend has the harmony. Yay Kirstin!
If I don't get a chance to post for another three months, I wish anyone who reads this a Merry Christmas, Happy Christmas, Felice Navidad, og en Glaedelig Jul og et Godt Nyt Aar!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Cool Days, Warm Knits, and Sleep

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
School is in the Air Syndrome

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A Typical Day?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Perfect Day
I'm starting this post with a link to some images of Enger Park in Duluth because that is where we ended up spending our 4th of July. The original plan had been to drop Kirstin and A.J. off at his house, go meet up with David's parents, and then go back and pick up Kirstin so that all of us could go to Canal Park (or by the DECC) for the Larson Family Fun Day. But as the old saying goes, "The best laid plans..." and all that. In this instance, I was absolutely delighted that the original plan did not work out.
By the time we arrived at my in-law's summer residence, my father-in-law decided that it was too late to try to find parking down by the DECC. So, at my mother-in-law's suggestion, we decided we'd drive up to Enger Tower and check it out. All of us were quite certain that we would not find parking, and that the park would be crowded etc. Enger Tower has, after all, probably the finest view of the Twin Ports area. And for watching fire works...it couldn't be better.
As it turned out, we got lucky! Not only did we find parking easily, but we were lucky enough to find a picnic site right next to where we parked. Beyond that, this picnic table was set away from all the others, so we had a nice and private spot. And, we were just down the hill from the best view of the Twin Ports area.
Partly because we found such fine parking spaces, and because of the amount of traffic coming in and out of the park, I decided to call A.J.'s mom to ask if Kirstin could just stay with them for the fireworks, and if we could pick her up afterwards. Kristi said that was fine, and that she didn't think the kids (Kirstin and A.J.) would be too upset about it. (They weren't.)
The weather was perfect; virtually cloudless, not too warm, and with just enough of a breeze to keep most of the bugs away. The little girls found friends to play and hang around with, David and his dad had plenty of time to visit, and I had a great conversation with my mother-in-law. Ben...he kind of did what he wanted to; mainly spent his time with his dad and grandpa.
There must have been 700 people in the park, but it was mostly families and couples...a few singles, but those that I noticed came with cameras or their dogs. And while the bluff overlooking the Twin Ports doesn't appear very large, and also appears to have a sheer and sudden drop-off, there was more than enough room for everyone to comfortably, and not be crowded, watch the fireworks displays. I say "displays" because from where we were, we were able to watch the fireworks in Duluth, in Superior, and even Spooner, WI which is quite a ways away.
After the fireworks (which were truly amazing), my in-laws led us over to West Duluth were we picked up Kirstin. We had to take Skyline Parkway, which is 25 miles long, very scenic, and all...but there's just one problem with that (at least for David, there's a problem). And that is, Skyline Parkway follows the highest bluffs of Duluth, hugging the cliffs on one side, dropping off into virtual nothingness on the other side. And, the "guardrails" are really just large pieces of rock; mainly granite, I think, but I'm not sure. The problem is that David is terrified of heights. He did not have an easy time of it, even though we only had to drive 4 or 5 miles along the Parkway.
We picked up Kirstin and headed home. The kids were all very tired, but not overly stimulated as they would have been had we been down by the DECC. Well, Becca had a bit of a tummy ache, but she was fine. We arrived home at nearly 1:00 a.m., and for days afterward, continued to talk about our remarkable and memorable 4th of July. It really was a perfect day.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Grandma's Hug

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Just Do What Needs Doing

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Christmas On My Mind

The name of the shawl is "Simple Yet Effective Shawl" and it's by Laura Chau. Floating around in my head for my next project, or at least in the queue, is a moose; not a caribou, a moose. My sister-in-law wants a moose. The first thing that popped into my head when she said that was a large, crocheted, and stand-alone version of a carved moose sculpture belonging to my husband. If it works, it will (hopefully?) be spectacular. If not; well, I can always make her some moose mittens, or a version of Calorimetry with moose antlers sticking out the sides. Yea, that could work. (grin)
I think my next project to actually cast on for will be a prayer shawl for my mom. In light of everything that is going on right now, I think that will be a really good idea...especially the prayers.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008
Knit One Not
Monday, March 10, 2008
Thank you Jesus, it's Benign!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Yippee! It's Saturday!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I spent a school year in Denmark many years ago, and learned some of the language. Letters to good friends were signed "Med kaerlig hilsen" (with loving greetings) or "Kaerlig hilsen fra Danmark" (loving greetings from Denmark). "Mor" means mom. So how do I define myself? I'm a mom, and I love my kidlets. So...the nickname KaerligMor seemed appropriate, as well as unique. Besides all that, Danish is a fun language :-) Jeg snakker lidt dansk, men ikke saa meget end da jeg gik til skole der over. Det har vaeret mere end 20 aar siden da jeg var en student paa University Center af Aalborg. To my danish friends (readers?) Jeg onsker i alle en glaedelig dag!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
To be concerned or not to be concerned...that is today's (well, this week's) question.

Sunday, January 27, 2008
The box
Two days ago we purchased a new water heater that came in a lovely and large cardboard box. Once installed, I moved the box into the family room downstairs and pretty much forgot about it. That is until my 16 yo daughter, Kirstin, discovered it standing there in all it's fantastical glory. She sat on the couch gazing at it with a pleased smile lighting her face. You know the kind of smile...the one that says "Hmmmm. What have we here?" A moment later, the box was lying on the floor on it's side, and Kirstin was happily crawling inside of it. It made me happy to see that my oh-so-grown-up and cool daughter, no matter how she's tried to hide it over the years, still has a large and creative dose of little girl imagination in her; the kind that still believes in myths and magic.
Last night the box became a tent. My youngest daughters installed blankets and a pillow in the box so that my youngest could spend the night in The Becca Cave. This morning, they've cut a couple of vent holes through which I am now seeing a little hand "talking" with thumb and fingers like a sock puppet without the sock. I wonder what they'll do next? I guess I'll have to wait and see. I really can't wait.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
It's above 0 today!
I will post pics here when I begin my double knitting project. I might just have to try it sooner than later.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Quiet Time