Typical. It's an interesting word, isn't it? What is typical for one person may or may not be typical for another. A typical day for some people might include having breakfast with the family, getting kids out the door to school, going to work, and then coming home to have dinner, take care of "stuff", going to bed, and then starting the same over the next day. A typical day for others might be...chaos as usual. I know of several families that fall into the first category, but my family definitely falls into the latter. Of course, my extended family is huge, so there are bound to be things happening on a semi-regular basis.
Today, my dad had surgery to remove a growth. The surgery was supposed to last up to 6 hours, which is a very long time to begin with. However, the surgery ended up taking 7 hours. The surgeon was able to remove the entire growth, or so he thinks, but in the process, he ended up also removing part of my dad's stomach, part of his pancreas, his gall bladder and bile duct. The growth was cancerous, or at least the core of it was, so it's good that the surgeon thinks he got it all. We'll have to wait and see. The good thing is that dad's seizures are under control.
Something really good did happen today...Kirstin passed her driver's test! YAY Kirstin!!! So...we now have 3 licensed drivers in the house. As soon as she left to take the car by herself for the first time, I actually felt some new gray hairs growing in. And then I blocked everything out of my mind. I went to my little happy place where nothing bad happens because I simply choose to pretend that the bad things don't exist.
So...for anyone who happens to read this and falls into the second category of "typical"...would you care to join me in my happy place? There's always room for more.
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