Sunday, January 27, 2008

The box

There's something mysterious and exciting about a cardboard box, especially if it's a large cardboard box; the kind that things like new water heaters come in. Whatever "it" is, that mysterious something, it's alluring enough to capture the imaginations of not just the very young, but the moderately young as well.

Two days ago we purchased a new water heater that came in a lovely and large cardboard box. Once installed, I moved the box into the family room downstairs and pretty much forgot about it. That is until my 16 yo daughter, Kirstin, discovered it standing there in all it's fantastical glory. She sat on the couch gazing at it with a pleased smile lighting her face. You know the kind of smile...the one that says "Hmmmm. What have we here?" A moment later, the box was lying on the floor on it's side, and Kirstin was happily crawling inside of it. It made me happy to see that my oh-so-grown-up and cool daughter, no matter how she's tried to hide it over the years, still has a large and creative dose of little girl imagination in her; the kind that still believes in myths and magic.

Last night the box became a tent. My youngest daughters installed blankets and a pillow in the box so that my youngest could spend the night in The Becca Cave. This morning, they've cut a couple of vent holes through which I am now seeing a little hand "talking" with thumb and fingers like a sock puppet without the sock. I wonder what they'll do next? I guess I'll have to wait and see. I really can't wait.


Nurhanne said...

Oh yes, "the box" has been the source of much fun in this house too :-)

Found you through Ravelry and just had to have a peek at who's behind that lovely username!

Marie said...

hello...My 2 children made a kitchen inside a box (from large tv) and my daughter drew a pic of a washing machine with all the details - from memory - creepily accurate too!!! "The Box" had to be smuggled out 11months later in the dead of night.

I linked from MSN Knitting & Crochet.
LOL Lizzy