I'm not going to say exactly what has me concerned or not concerned, but I do have some thoughts to throw out...throw away?...today. First off, I love living in a small town. Everyone knows everyone (which can be a scarey thing, but also a good thing). There are times, however, when it would be nice to live in or near to a larger city...or even a town with a population 10,000+. You see, here's the thing. Our medical coverage here is what it is...and sometimes, it stinks. Not because of the quality of care, or the training and expertise of the phsycians, nurses, and staff who work there, but because we have a clinic...and it's closed on weekends. In case of emergency, call 911 and/or drive 30 miles to the nearest hospital. Also, because we're a small town far from a larger town or city, any tests that are performed here on-site, have to be routed down to a clinic or hospital at a larger town or city, analyzed, and then re-routed back up here. In other words...hurry up and wait. Years ago, when our daughter was 4 years old, we had to wait three days for blood test results to make the loop so that we would know whether or not she had cancer. Gee...I wonder who didn't sleep for three days? Once again, we find ourselves in a similar position. The question is, should we be concerned or not? It's hard to just keep focused on the every day things that need doing. But I have to say, I'm getting much better at it.